Thursday, March 31, 2005

what is our thought


there are a lot of debates on this news. what should we, christians, think? and what will we actually think, if we are in the situation? Would the two answers be the same when emotions are actually involved? what is in our mind, when we are seeing our love ones suffering, and asking for an end?

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

will they do it?

genetic counselling dept at UW hospital told mommy ... the insurance require them to send in a letter to see if they would preauthorize the blood test ... will they approve it? will they disapprove it? does mommy want them to approve it? does mommy want them to disapprove it?

checked out some articles about *what if* she really has that gene, HNPCC. The data looks scary - 80% chance of getting colon cancer, and higher risk for another 2 other types of cancers which does not have good screening in place now. Her gut feeling (and hope) is she does not have the gene... but what-if? and what-if she has it, but insurance did not approve the blood test - meaning she will never know. what is in her mind?

偷 龜

How can people be so cruel?

香 港 動 植 公 園 昨 日 發 生 偷 龜 事 件 。 一 隻 被 列 為 瀕 危 野 生 動 物 的 豹 龜 , 昨 被 不 法 分 子 覬 覦 偷 走 。 失 竊 的 豹 龜 身 長 14 吋 , 重 2 公 斤 , 呈 啡 色 , 是 由 漁 農 自 然 護 理 署 於 4 年 前 贈 予 公 園 。 工 人 昨 午 發 現 豹 龜 不 翼 而 飛 , 即 致 電 報 警 。 工 人 事 後 點 算 , 證 實 並 無 其 他 龜 隻 及 動 物 被 偷 走 。

shame on you, mommy!

mommy went to dentist for regular clean up. guess what? the dentist stopped in the middle and gave up - because regular cleaning is useless on mom. having braces for so long, the dentist said it was never cleaned well becuz of all these "obstacles", unfortunately - so mom needs a ***3 hour*** deep/intensive cleaning instead. oh well.... and the dentist just dropped her "tools", gave up and walked away ... shame on you, mommy!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

blood draw

mommy had her annual genetic counselling at UW hospital again. the advisor really encourage genetic blood test for colon cancer gene. well... mommy and daddy finally decided to go for it, if insurnace pays for it. it's costly - couple thousands dollar. The blood-draw guy is inexperienced, unfortunately. it took him > 15 minutes to get blood from mom. mom kept telling him it was sore, numb and painful when he poked around for right spot N times without any successful one. oh well... unlucky =(

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

shopping time

daddy and mommy are going to bring me to north bend tomorrow after work. they want to relax a bit (ie shopping) ... nike outlet =)

start of a blog

mom enjoys her sunday very much. nice lunch, chats, and 'work' afterwards. probably should do more.