Monday, October 31, 2005







Thursday, October 27, 2005

love the music...

daddy got 50% of the new system set up... love the music. very relaxing just laying on the couch and listening to the music............ feels so good

see ya in a month...

so... grandparents flew back to hong kong this morning....

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

so blessed to have a boss

mom tasted a lot of politics and people issue last 10 days at work, becuz her boss was away for vacation and ppl come directly to her for unreasonable requests. it was tiring, stressful, ... another 1.5 week : boss..... come back!

really would have take this for granted .... if boss never goes on vacation

Sunday, October 16, 2005

恩典太美麗... 全因為你

somehow, these two songs keep coming up in different singspirations this week at church...
they are beautilful songs...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

1 year

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


「你好先生,我叫 xx 是 Sunday打來,先生你是否 9xxx-xxxx 的機主?」
「無,我想同你介紹一個最新的優惠計劃,月費加 $30 就可以發一百個短訊……(下刪字若干), 你有沒有興趣join?」
「哦。 對不起,沒有。」

「為什麼呀﹖ 才三毛錢一個,比你現在的便宜很多呢!」
「真的是個好優惠,能給你省錢呢! 為什麼不要呀﹖」
「 為什麼﹖ 因為我有錢!」
「 …… 」


「你好先生,我叫 xx 是 Smartone 打來,先生你是否9xxx-xxxx 的機主?」
「唔係.」 (講大話 )..........
CS 呆左3秒 :「咁請問你係咪長期使用9xxx-xxxx 呢?」
「唔係!」(再講大話 ) ..........
又呆3 秒:「咁好丫唔該晒..」


「你好先生,我地Buffet Club 有個promotion..以后你去酒店食飯...係member就全部半價...」
「我冇朋友的」 ............................
dead air 左一陣:「哦,咁好呀唔該你...」

Monday, October 10, 2005

housework housework housework

mommy and grandparents were stuck in the house on saturday. why? becuz the direct tv guy was there 9 til 4, and still can't get jworld and comcast to co-exist... good at least he now got some tv with jworld only, and some with comcast - and more important, the internet still works :P

mommy was spending the whole afternoon on Sunday painting the doggie room. it's getting whiter and whiter... and surprisingly, it was very tiring. mom hasn't had 'dripping sweat' for a long time....

it's getting close...

Monday, October 03, 2005

carpet or pergo....

guess carpet... ?! match with the whole house better ...