Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
57 hours ....
it's also a time of thanksgiving that things are ok after power came back for us. fish is still alive in their cold water ... our only loss is just the food in the fridge.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
w h a t ? !
After blaming vandals, the U.S. agency learns its workers failed to bar the entry to a maze of logging spurs ....
(click here for full story)
BLM left gate open on road to Kims' fate
Federal workers failed to lock a gate blocking the logging road that led James Kim to his death last week -- a different story than has been told since his death and his family's rescue.
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management was supposed to lock the gate near the entrance of the road, known only as 34-8-36, on Nov. 1. The gate is meant to prevent people from turning onto a maze of logging spurs instead of staying on Bear Camp Road, which cuts through the mountains to the Oregon Coast.
Officials with the agency have maintained since last week that the gate had been locked but was later vandalized. But BLM spokesman Michael Campbell said Wednesday that an internal investigation this week into the suspected vandals turned up the surprising culprit: the agency itself.
"The idea was our BLM engineer, the lead engineer, had directed the staff to go out there and lock the gate on Nov. 1, Campbell said. "Basically what they found was, when they got out there, they were unable to confirm no one was trapped behind the gate. So they made the decision not to close it."
g i g a n t i c - c h o c o l a t e - b a r
78次半馬拉松賽,64次的馬拉松賽,24次著名的波士頓馬拉松賽,20次 Duathlons賽,7 次 18.6 Milers賽,34次10 Milers賽 ,143 次5Milers賽,620 Milers 賽,27次 Falmouth 7.1 milers 賽,15次4
Milers賽,2次11公里賽,8 次15公里賽,204 次10公里賽,4 次8公里賽,92 次5公里賽,206次奧運標準的三項鐵人賽,6次被公認不是平常人可以承受既Ironman distances的終極三項鐵人賽……
但是你知道嗎? 兒子Rick 是不能說話也不能走路的!!
然而,他們兩夫婦對此並不認同。他們發覺當他們在屋內活動時,Rick的眼睛會緊盯著他們。當Rick十一歲時,他們把他送到特夫斯大學(Tufts University)的工程系,詢問是否有令孩子與人溝通的辦法,可惜Dick得到的回覆是︰「不可能,他根本沒有任何腦部活動。」
不久後便有人對Dick說︰「何不參加三項鐵人賽?」一個從來未曾學過游泳的人,一個自六歲起便從未踏過單車的人,如何能拖著 110磅(50公斤)的兒子完成三項全能賽?
因著父愛,父親去學習游泳,學習踏自行車… 他願意為Rick做出許多的犧牲和付出,他又曾拖著他的兒子越野滑雪,又曾背著他爬山,其中一次更用單車拉著他橫越美國。
於是從那時候開始他們父子就常以"Team Hoyt"報名參加馬拉松和三項鐵人賽: 跑步時Dick就推著Rick跑游泳時Dick就拖著Rick躺著的橡皮艇游騎自行車時Dick就騎著特製的自行車將Rick放在自行車前騎乘……
今年,Dick與Rick分別65和43歲,已完成了他們第24次波士頓馬拉松,在20,000名參賽者中排名第5,083。他們的最佳時間?是在1992年的兩小時40分—— 只落後世界紀錄35分鐘;當然,或許你還未留意到,這紀錄是由一個沒有推著輪椅的人所創的。
當晚, Rick會請父親吃晚飯,但他最想送給父親的禮物,是他永遠買不到的。 Rick 答道︰「我最想送給爸爸的,是爸爸坐在椅上,由我推他次!」
在影片中Dick推著Rick通過終點,他們父子都受到眾人的鼓掌和歡呼。但這中間Rick什麼都沒有做… 他也什麼也都不能做…一切都因為他父親的愛而白白領受這些…
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Press'n Seal
out of curiosity (and for the sake of "fun"), i finally took the luxury of buying a roll of press'n seal - it was really magical that it sticks so tight to the plate. i indeed turn it upside down to test it - amazing :) however, i don't quite like the stickness that i felt when touching the wrap....
so... probably this is just the only one roll i'm gonna get.
afterall, i prefer to store food in containers than plates with wraps :)

and, tonite, while alex was so busy working at home the whole day, i decided to make him some special dinner. i use this rub to marinate some white fish, and fried it ... and serve it wth fettucine and some healthy beans/veggie. alex loved it, of course :)
n e w e s t a d d i t i o n
Friday, December 08, 2006
Saddened by the news...
lately, i've been visiting the doctor's office so often. it's so frequent that today, the clinic's reception said "hey bonny, i think you're the #1 patient at our office - i am seeing you so frequently" :P When dr shiu came into the room, his first sentence was "hey bonny, how come i'm seeing you again ... your stack of paper in the file is getting too much".
well ... of course it's a bad thing to have to visit the doctor so often, but it's a good thing that i have found this nice clinic with all nice people around - and they know me so well by now! there were two encounters with them that i truly know they care for me! :)
oh the good news though is, the infection i have been having is gone! No more virus is found from the latest lab test!