你踩過界喎! ...幾時到你管呀?《唔好誤會...我唔係投訴老公...》
I found a plumber!
got a big plumbing problem - tree roots clogged our main sewage line. a lot of friends are nice enough to send us referrals, and i'm glad we found the best one now! He looks professional and all passionate about plumbing!

sooner or later, i'll for sure have an auto accident on campus... ---this morning, i was like less than a feet away from an auto accident...
when going down ne 36th way to work ... there is this pickup who suddenly came out from bldg 36 to make a left turn - intersecting with me directly. i really pressed hard on my brake ... really hard, probably the hardest ever that my car shaked and i thought i'd hit his pickup head on ... when we were so close, i saw him waiving his hand for both panic and apologizing... oh well ...
thank god that i can get to a full stop just before hitting this guy.
no more accidents please... it took me 1.5 yr to finally settle all the claims for the last outstanding auto accident. no more please!
---this is the 2nd time in the last 1.5 week that i saw car coming out of bldg 36 without looking at the traffic - don't they know what stop signs are for ??? don't they know i do not have ABS for my car ??? i can't be any more defensive than i am already to avoid this...
a very special wedding
i went to a very special wedding today - very impressive. I bet every guest would remember this wedding - Pictures are here
u n k n o w n p l a n t - p a r t 2
u can't imagine how this unknown plant has grown into ... surprise?!
on this particular day ...
2 years.i insisted to stay home to have dinner with my family - one of those very few days i insisted alex to get off work on time, because it's very important to me for the family to be together on this very day. no one talked about this topic, and it went by like any other day quietly, but i think we all know in our heart the importance of this day.
i was hoping someone would understand my feeling, but seems to me that every friend around me is asking me the same question of whether i've let go or not. that made me discouraged to share my real feeling to them, because i think i'm not being understood and agreed on how i am feeling, and no matter how many years has passed, it's still there and it's never "too long ago" for it to be forgotten, or felt less about. only the family knows how it feels ...
i thought about brenda ... i thought about ed ... and all these scenes of me saying goodbye to brenda everytime i left hong kong ... how sad.
u n k n o w n p l a n t ?
beside having tons of mushrooms growing in my yard - i found this little funny looking "plant" that i have no idea at all what it is ... hm.. anyone knows?
(it looks pretty cute by the way!)
c o o k i n g
recently (i meant eversince parents are out of town), i felt like cooking so much ... :Pi had always been making 碟頭飯 because it's quick, easy, and still tasty ... (and hubby likes it...)but on thurday nite, for first time - i had such a great mood and made spaghetti with salmon/cod with alfredo sauce with sun-dried tomato .... hubby was very surprised when he saw itand guess what i've made tonite? i got this left-over crab "legs" from my inlaws' dinner so i got all the meat out "by hand" to make spaghetti again ;) love it... feels healthy yet yummyi got to try the spaghetti sauce from uwajimaya (as recommended by a friend) soon ... can't wait!
又要為一年一度嘅檢查作出痛苦嘅準備... 最後餐飯當然要食好d啦。去左vancouver robson街一間韓國餐館... 【選lee間餐館係因為見佢人多多, 點都會好食嘅...】我地叫左個海鮮 shabu. 初頭見要自己煮真係有d後悔... 但係食落真係好好食!!! 非常鮮甜嘅海鮮! 雖然食得論盡d... 不過真係好值得!!!---當然之後個胃又痛啦...胃呀胃...你可唔可以合作一次咁多呢?